The way I sound now, it is evident how far it is from my old self who could sing and perform fairly well. The vision of becoming a singer-songwriter has long been buried somewhere in the unknown passage of time.
To my old friends who were witnesses, this segment is for you.
2003 is the year I lost the gift of being able to sing well. First, let's differentiate ABUSE from MISUSE.
ABUSE- may contribute, but not necessarily the biggest factor that can ruin a person's ability to sing. (example: smoking and similar vices that should be avoided to optimize vocal range)
MISUSE- is the improper way of singing; prolonged misuse causes vocal cord disorders.(example: bad vocal technique such as using the throat instead of the diaphragm; more so using the throat the harmful way)
Click here for more detailed information on vocal cord damage and how to avoid it.
I wrote this for the purpose of directing friends, relatives, schoolmates, colleagues, and others who may hear about this lost ability; so that I will not have to explain myself again and again. I will not and can not sing anymore. Not for any gig, band, wedding, debut, fiesta, not even a casual night of beer drinking (except when I get too much alcohol, maybe). It is not selfishness, brother. I'd love to sing anytime of any day if I could.
The sad truth is I hardly sing anymore even when I am all alone. My guitar, unlike in the past, just rests in one corner and seemed to have died with my passion for music altogether. As you can see on the demo video I did today, for the sake of proving my point, it is barely there. Even the song lyrics are forgotten. A singer who can no longer sing.
10 years ago
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